I remembered that in a university lecture which a famous Chinese writer "Bi Shumin" gave in Qing Hua University, a question was asked by a student" What is the meaning of the life?" The writer smiled and answered "Originally, there is no meaning of the life" The audiences were shocked. " But One has to give a meaning of one's life, there is the meaning of the life." This answer followed by a huge applauses.
How many modern society people have already found out their meaning of the life? We could see that the traditional thinking people all have stable jobs, families, friends, neibours, colleagues. Except war and poverty, most of them are living in a normal life. Maynot be very happy and exciting but at least stable and peaceful. They donot need too much. Like our grandparents and parents.The meaning of their life is to support a family, hang aound with some friends, have few hobbies, we could see they are a bit conservative. Even few of them are quite open minded, have taken some risk, have a lot adventures or contribute to the human kind, average people are living in a peace.
However, nowadays in big modern cities all around the world, the meaning of the life could sometimes be easily messed up with more money, power, statics fame , competition,& revenge. Therefore, all the negtive emotion are leading people's life: greed, jealousy, hatred, fear,sad, worry &depression.Teenagers drug, drink, suicide; families broken, sexual abuse; signle parents with few children;married men/women are having an affair; Serious comptetions in workplace, political games......We are living in a messy environment. A lot of women are not looked fiminate any more, they need to compete with other women, even men. Everybody is getting much tougher than before, because the society is too crule. A lot of men are become more inresponsible, because they are afraid to give commitment.
How many people could do the things they like to do? Being oneself has been a luxury term. People are doing things which they hate to do, they are saying somethings which they feel reluctant to say. They have to talk to some people who they really want to kill.
The definition of "meaning " is to have a purpose and is worthwhile.If we have a purpose of our life or we feel our life is real worthwhile, we would be feel happy, we would be peaceful inside, we would treat others better, we would love this world. Evey human being needs interact in the human society. However, modern society people have so much selfish desires, self-centred, donot know much about sharing, therefore, societies become cold ,competitive even cruel. Some times, we cheat on ourselves' natural inner wisdom, we are living other's meaning of the life. How could we feel happy? We may wonder what is the meaning of our life.
No matter what we choose as the meaning of the life, we should feel happy and satisfied with it, we should feel inner fulfilled and peaceful.Individual has different life, no matter how the condition is different, we should find out the purpose of the life, to respect it, explore it, enjoy it, cultivate it even share it, sacrifice it if we believe it is worth.